dijous, d’agost 17, 2006

First Steps

To begin with this work is necessary to install in your beloved computer some pieces of software.
The first of them will be the last version of the JDK (Java Development Kit) which includes:

  • the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  • command-line development tools, such as compilers and debuggers, that are necessary or useful for developing applets and applications

  • in this place: Java SE Downloads
    Then we will need (since we want to program for mobile devices) the J2ME Wireless Edition (j2 micro edition) in this page: Java ME Downloads

    With this we can start wireless programming, althought later we could want to install more advanced IDEs like NetBeans or something like that, which simplify our life in some senses, but make it more difficult in others.

    Let's start with a "Hallo World" :)

    dilluns, d’agost 07, 2006

    My tuner for mobile phone project

    In this page I will report my problems and results in the realization of a Tuner programmed in JAVA j2me for mobile devices.

    My english is not very good but I think it's the right moment to practice it!

    The project is realized as the Final Studies project in ESMUC:
    in the speciality of Sonology (Music and Technology Studies)

    The initial goal of the project is very clear, but not the results. It may result very easy to do (or very difficult althought I hope no), and in the first case it can be widened with some sort of Sound Processing in mobile devices.

    My programming skills in Java are not very high at this moment (in fact I can only program in C :P ) but I'm starting to work to arrange this.

    Well, this is the beggining, and I think this page can work as a good Project notebook, to know in every moment, what I've done, and how.

    To be continued...